There are many reasons Why You Should Buy Local. Your dollar is your voice, your vote, and your approving that you are standing by a product or a company-
Whether or not you think that hard into your purchase; it is what it is. When corporations like Wal-Mart hold the most money, they become a voice for it. They then get to make the decisions- That are good for them to keep and make more money... These decisions may not be best for their consumers, their employees, and even our Country; but they get the ultimate voice in the situation.
I switched on the Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
BUT, I understand that here I have different luxuries afforded to me than are even available in other places of the country. I stay true to my roots and can understand what the Wal-Mart mentality does to a small community- and empower it; it does not.
I am so glad that there are opportunities like UNIQUE OC, Farmers Markets, and visionary store owners on a mission to promote local and independent designers. The difference within the system supporting "Your New Local Friends" (Because that's what they'll be :) vs. "The Man" can be a big step to:
- Creating an awesome Community and promoting an overall friendly and fun Environment to deal with life in.
- You receive amazing goods or service that in the End- Rewards people's hard work. Therefor the people profiting are the ones who deserve to do so.
- Your State's Public Assistance Programs being used to profit the corporations rather than the people which would also aid to solving this Nation's Health-care crisis.
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