I have learned in my short time on this blog that I never want to make promises to our readers and then not follow up and produce. I am over a blog schedule. I am so hard on myself when I am late to post and I always felt this burden of not doing my work looming over me. What I can promise is that I will be posting as frequently as I can now that things are picking up with
The Academy of Handmade Artists and Supporters and I am spending most of my time devoted to programming there.
Some principles and ideals I use to guide my work and home life are:
Under-promise & over deliver
Stay humble & gracious
When evaluating a situation - always try to think of where the other person is coming from.
Think of your involvement on the large scale. Ask yourself: how do your actions directly effect others by the decisions you are making?
Give praise when do & compliment the things you enjoy. Remember: people are hard on themselves and everyone can use reassurance and a pat on the back. High-fives work too!
If you have to fake a compliment or don't have anything nice to say = be quite!
Some principles I use to live and work by online:
Never say anything online (to anyone) that you wouldn't say to anyone straight to their face.
Sometimes sleeping on it really is the best way to see things clearly.
{Photos are from a CAFAM walking tour of Chinatown in DTLA} |
Where is this coming from you may ask?... Well, I have felt out of sorts since last fall trying to figure out my blogging and what this means to me with our business. I love gathering info. Trying things out and figuring what I like and what could be improved. I really like how I can compile all this on our blog and share it with everyone - but I never have thought myself a writer. I enjoy actual talking in person more than anything. I guess it is because I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Not quite a comedian, but I enjoy having a delivery and setting up a good story. Do I understand how to translate that into my blog however? Nope, still working on that!
Struggling with the time it takes me to write online is already a blog-blocker for me, but couple that with sometimes I just don't have anything to say - I have found myself quiet for quite sometimes. I think of this space as somewhere for me to share process and celebrate things I like. They just might not be that timely. For the awesome real stuff I'm doing check out
The Academy of Handmade Artists and Supporters.